Should TransLink consider loosening rules around pets on Transit?

Here’s a dog on transit in Budapest (this dog is going to work with their owner). Should TransLink consider loosening rules around pets on public transit?

The current policy for TransLink is to allow pets on transit if they are “kept in small, hand-held, fully enclosed carriers that fit in your lap”. The only exceptions are guide or service dogs. Should TransLink consider loosening these rules?

There’s currently a petition with 4,179 signatures that asks for an amendment to TransLink policy to allow for dogs in backpacks or carriers with heads exposed. There was a presentation to the TransLink Board back in 2011 that presented many arguments in favour of TransLink loosening rules around pets on transit. We previously noted that European cities that allow dogs on Public Transit include London, Copenhagen, Prague, Brussels, Budapest, Helsinki, and Amsterdam. Dogs are allowed on transit in all of Italy and Germany.


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