Park Beach Tenants Collective and Vancouver Tenants Union protest unjust evictions & harassment by new landlord ‘Plan A Realty’

A protest against unjust evictions and harassment was held at headquarters of Plan A Reality, the new landlord of Park Beach Manor at 1925 Nelson Street. The Park Beach Tenants Collective and the Vancouver Tenants Union organized the event that began just before noon on June 11, 2024.

There’s an extensive summary of the issues the Park Beach Manor tenants are facing on the website of the Vancouver Tenants Union. We’ve included several photos of the event in the above slideshow. A detailed outline of the issues raised by the tenants and as well as the demands of the Park Beach Tenants Collective are contained in the summary below (PDF scan):

A copy of the information page from the Vancouver Tenants Union (via OCR) is reproduced below:

Stand with Park Beach Tenants Collective!
Protest Against Unjust Evictions & Harassment by Anoop Majithia of Plan A Realty

Join the Park Beach Tenants Collective and Vancouver Tenants Union, as we take a stand against the predatory practices of Anoop Majithia and Plan A Realty. We refuse to be intimidated or displaced from our homes in the West End. Together, we demand justice and fair treatment for all tenants.

Anoop Majithia, managing director of Plan A Realty, has a history of exploiting the legal and illegal avenues to harass and evict tenants. Despite facing numerous complaints and lawsuits, he continues his predatory practices with impunity. This is the consequence of our system that treats housing as a commodity rather than a human right.

Our beloved community of Park Beach Manor is the latest target of Anoop Majithia’s relentless pursuit of profit. From illegal eviction notices to unjust threats, he stops at nothing to drive out long-term tenants, overfill units, and raise rents. The tactics are clear: maximize profits at the expense of tenant well-being and right to remain.

We, the Park Beach Tenants Collective, demand the following:

  1. **End The Evictions**: Retract the illegal eviction notice sent to Max.
  2. **Protection for Genevieve and Save Dodi**: Retract the eviction threat and allow her to continue living with her dog, amending her lease accordingly.
  3. **End The Surveillance**: Permanently remove security cameras from hallways and cease surveillance of tenants’ movements permanently.
  4. **Stop the Harassment**: End the constant harassment and fear-mongering of tenants. Never call the police on tenants again.
  5. **Our Homes Are Not Up For Debate**: Cease harassment of Marie & Pete over their tenancy status. Marie & Pete are tenants and their unit is their home, not Plan A’s.
  6. **Privacy & Security**: Cease undue solicitation of tenants’ personal information, respecting tenants’ privacy.
  7. **End The Legal Threats and Apologize**: Retract the legal threats issued to tenants and issue a written apology for vexatious litigation.

Join us in our fight to save our homes! Stand with the Vancouver Tenants Union and support our cause. Scan the QR code below to sign up and make your voice heard.

For more information, contact the Vancouver Tenants Union at

Scan to Join the Vancouver Tenants Union & Take the Pledge to Support the Park Beach Tenants Collective!

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