UCS Cartoon #9: Eby says you must be this tall

See our separate announcement about the launch of the (c) Urban Cartoon Syndicate. And also, announcement by Spacing Vancouver.

David Eby says……
You must be this TALL to Destroy the Neighbourhood

Premier Eby’s Bill 47 [2023], in concert with the City’s discredited Broadway Plan, allows for 20 storey towers in the leafy residential areas of Kitsilano south of 12th Avenue
[actually, Broadway Plan covers nearly 500 city blocks, Vine to Clark Street, and 1st to 16th Avenue].
The idea is to promote affordability and new rental housing, but rents will not be affordable to renters in the area who will be displaced with such new development.
Surely there are densification plans that are more in keeping the build character of Kits, and which can provide a wider range of affordability for area households. The regulations guiding the new developments couldn’t possibly be more crude or ham fisted.
They are block-busting at a Neighbourhood Scale

2 thoughts on “UCS Cartoon #9: Eby says you must be this tall

  1. it’s so out of place and it really drives home just how desperate and out of touch city hall is. Incompetence at its finest.

    this is all about poor money management at city hall.

  2. And our current city councillors in Vancouver voted to not slow down and review the applications under the Broadway Plan and are proposing even greater height and nos. of these high rise buildings, as suggested by the city planners. Behind this is our NDP provincial government whose recent interference in local planning is well known. Who is benefiting in this. Where are the quality of life and the warming of the planet considerations? We here nothing of these.

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